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Reasons for Lumps behind the Ear

 There are many possible reasons, including issues in bone or the skin that can cause a Hard Immovable Lump Behind Ear. Enlarged lymph nodes, infections, and assured cancers can also cause lumps. Most of the time lumps behind the ear is not a matter to worry about as it can be resolved without treatment. The three main non-cancerous reasons for lumps behind the ear are – acne, skin cysts, and lipomas.

Hard Immovable Lump Behind Ear

Hard Immovable Lump Behind Ear


Acne is a regular skin condition that might be the source of a Hard Immovable Lump Behind Ear. Pores of the skin become blocked with sebum in acne. Sebum is an oily thing that is secreted by units, that forms the base of hair follicles. Combining with the dead skin cell the sebum can create a layer called comedones. If any harmful bacteria enter the ‘comedones’ then a pimple might become infected and swollen. Swollen pimples can grow and can take their most severe form in the shape of lumps which are known as acne cysts. If the lump is formed due to acne, then it may be painful when it is pressed. Other cysts and pimples on the head are possible to go along with pimples or cysts behind the ear, particularly on the face. Cystic acne is a repulsive condition that can cause scars. Cystic acne is curable with the consultation of a dermatologist and with proper medication.

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